Meijiang, Dong Jia, Sanjiang deep LV and double water are produced in the new citrus fruit shell of Citrus brand new club. Our green tea is designed mainly by the combination of high quality Sanjiang deep LV Xinhui Citrus and Yunnan Pu'er tea industry with special processing technology, and no food additives are added during the process of production. Xiaoqing tangerine is Xiaoqing tangerine Puer tea, which is different from the common "red orange" (Citrus Peel Puer tea), but all belong to the category of Citrus Putra tea. Peel according to the harvest period can be divided into orange peel, red and red micro. Citrus is the fruit harvested when the physiological immature, after six months of growth, at this time the citrus green bright green, thick skin, oil room full, fruity sweet and sweet and rich.